Title: New Albums/PV's
Descriptions: Gackt - Episode 0 (Maxi-single) - Here
Fear, and loathing in Las Vegas - Nextreme - Mini Album -Here (Chase the light/Jump around - PV's)
NoGod - Kamikaze (Single) Here (PV)
Amber Gris -Pomander (Album)
LM.C - Hoshi no Arika/Mad or Die (PV's)
Lancer>>Bee - Hymenoptera (Album) Here 2125 (PV)
[I will upload everything when I can, this is just something I made to keep me busy. I will be putting download links beside them when I've uploaded them.]
hello, i just stumbled on this post and i was curious if you still planned on uploading LM.C's MAD or DIE pv? Its impossible to find in HD now that Megaupload is gone... and no one seems to have it saved on their computer either and I lost it when mine crashed last year.