Title: Takumi- kun series 4
Description: Different from 3 previous movies, this movies focus's on Misu Arata and Shingyouji Kanemitsu. There's also a side story of Takabayashi and his lover Yoshizawa. (Yay! It's my favorite couple! I love Misu x Shingyouji!)
Watch on youtube (This is the raw version): Here
If you know how to find invisible writting then look one sentence down.>>>
Thanks very much!
ReplyDeleteThank you!!! you saved my life ^^
ReplyDeleteThank you very muuccchhh ^^ I still got one more to go, that is 5th film XD
ReplyDeleteTHANKS SO MUCH!!! 8D
ReplyDeleteDoes somebody know, where I can watch it with eng subs ?
ReplyDeletewhat's the password?
ReplyDeleteomg no Y_Y i clicked the invisible link and that damn sopa or acta or whatever took it down ... Y_Y this needs to be stopped... i'm so sad...
ReplyDeleteAny chance of a reupload?